On the way back from Florida we took a wrong...um actually missed a turn.
We were then on the road. I know, I know, we had already been on the road, but this was the smaller road. Call it the road of small town America...........this turned into a LONG trip.
We ended up having to stop in a town that we were passing through on this road. I can't remember the name, however, I do remember where we stopped.
We walked around. I found a nice apple and some crackers. There were pictures of the Piggly Wiggly character dancing all around the top of the store.
After rounding a corner I came upon a display of all things pig. I mean this- they had everything. Pickled pig lips, pickled pigs feet, fried skins, smoked pig loaf, ect. It was all there. I was a bit grossed out.
We finally found our way out of the store and got on the road. We kept on driving and driving and driving. Georgia is not that big of a state right....or at least not the bit that we drove through.
Needless to say I was tired of driving. We drove from Valdoosta, GA to Jasper, AL. By the middle of the drive I knew what was going through my mind couldn't possibly happen, but it did seem like a very real possibility.
It seemed as if we were going through a "southern" Bermuda triangle. It was a perpetual endless drive through small town after small town. We were lost to a fate of The Piggly Wiggly pork products as our only source of nutritional value....
feet and lips
You can't make this stuff up....there really was smoked pig loaf....I'm glad there are people who can enjoy these things, as for me, well.....As K-La Mac would say, "I'm over it!"
Let me end with this...there are apparently ways to eat pigs lips and one of them gets a shout out for sounding like a gross out.....
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